Aloha everyone! Since today Destiny players in Poland celebrate 100th anniversary of our independence i decided to share some...independent ideas about AtG decks I cooked up. Some are crazy, some are obvious in their execution, some my guess is will turn into tier 1 meta decks. But to the point, lets take a look:
DISCLAIMER: this is not the Vader you are looking for, carry on. No Vader decks here :D This article is for all those sad pandas like me who in all their boxes did not hit a single Vader... DISCLAIMER2: Some of those are just...ideas not complete decklists yet, others are just draft versions with basic idea implemented , if they will work only time and tests will tell.
This deck is enabled by -1 plot. Either Bitter Rivalry of Solidarity. Since you have massive hp pool of 25(! on 2 wide!) Bitter Rivalry was pretty obvious choice. 6th card for the opponent feels like really minor drawback for fielding those 2 guys. Kylo is just Kylo nothing to add here. But Savage is new cool kid on the block. His massive HP pool and very decent die for 14 points are really working nice in this deck and there are few tricks to ovecome his drawback ability. First of all Force Speed always goes on him in this deck as he activates first anyway. And Speed being 0 cost does not feel cumbersome to play after activation. Another card included just to overcome his drawbacks is Enrage. 1 damage when you have 13hp is a tickle. And it can come to devastating speed plays when you opponent feels safe to not waste mitigation when you have no cash.
But true card made just for Mauls younger brother is Bloodlust.
Being able to play it on activated Savage and still get benefit is huge. If you get this on first hand you turn one of his dices to 2/2/4/
Overall I think this deck will find its place in a meta, maybe it does not bling like Vader at the first glance but amounts of damage it can dish out are Vader-like quanities. And aside from Ancients and Speeds its pretty cheap to complete.
The infamous PoeMaz is back! In its twisted frankensteins monster version...but its alive and kicking again! This one was hinted to me by my buddy Siny from DestinWarsaw so thanks, and since PoeMaz is the first deck I cooked up when entering competetive Destiny and the deck I piloted to my first competetive victory in Store Championship back in 2017 I was more than eager to try it out ASAP. And man it felt good...
The enabler here of course was another plot this time Double Down. 3x Maz Gogles to ensure them on the table turn1 and turn Maz back to elite and 3x Thermal Detonators....just cause its Poe with Thermals who does not love it?
Rest of the deck is pretty standard PoeMaz with some upgrades like First Aid to pull some heat out of Poe and some upgraded mitigation package.
The FatHan! Errr... X-wing habits...FatFalcon!
This is where Vitalis crazy mind went overboard with idea about a deck. But funniest thing works. And it works really well currently it hold 4-1 on TTS test and the last game vs Snoke/Baz/Fost piloted by top4 Italian natio contender (buddy I lost your nickname sorry :P ) was lost only cause Falcon with 2 turrets refused to roll ANY damage when last Bazine was at 4 hp :P But to the point how this contraption works? Anakin+L3 combo ensures 5 resources round 1 (L3 is a droid!! Anakin turns her into a focus :D) Then you pop Armoured Reinforcements to put 8 resources worth of vehicles on the table in form of Falcon and Escape Craft. Then first detach and activate craft to get max value, attach it again, overwrite with Triple Laser Turrer (that where Engineer comes in to ensure you have it round 1) and activate Falcon with protected dice. Then you have for force L3 to die with Karabast, Draw Attention and Crash Landing to reactivate Falcon with additional mod, while at the same time stack it with additional turrets, R2 to reactivate it even more. And reactivate it with Reckeless Reentry (no blank!) and Strategic Planning...thats like 2-3 activations of Falcon every turn and with L3 and Engineer focuses that quicly turns into amounts of damage that suprised even me :)
And of course the deck has backup plan if someone manages to ruin your 5res turn 1 in form of Shadowcasters - not nearly as much value but 6 ranged is nothing to be laughed at.
Ok lets admit it. We all wait for Black one to be viable.
And to put BB-8 in it. And Poe to pilot it. While BB-8 is considered to be one of the...lets call it bottom legends of new set, FatFalcon above gave me some ideas to bring it to life.
We can play B1 and BB-8 for mere 3 resources , then overwrite BB-8 with any other mod, to gain multiple B1 reactivations, add some tricks from above deck to the mix and we look at pretty solid combo. Maybe not the one to build a whole deck on it like above but for sure solid one.
Add some move vehicles to the pot, or some upgrades package and between Poe and Yoda you are looking at crazy consistent and pretty tanky deck. Definitely at my try-list.
Last but not least - Leia.
The new Hondo on steroids. Paired with Yoda she can be worst nightmare of 3 wide decks with her special. 2 resources are almost impossible to pay for most of the decks, unlike Hondo's 1. And if meta drifts towards 2 wide? Hello my name is Leia and im here to crime lord you. Yeap. I think we are looking at tier 1 deck here. I did not cook final decklist here but i feel this is tier1 deck we are looking at. Without Crime Lord our 5 cards can be Backup Muscle, Armor and Wrist Rocket for mix of easy to play pernament villain card, tankiness and hard hitting upgrade. And with it Deja Vu and Ace in the hole looks like crazy value with Yoda. We all saw what Crime Lord with Ace can do at our stream from nationals....
Hope I gave you guys some inspiration! Im back to cooking some crazy decks , so till next time!